Variations of the 4D methodology have been deployed over nearly 15 years, delivering successful outcomes in a variety of tricky situations.
The outcomes and results usually seem pretty simple, and there’s often an ‘aha’ moment where the team sees diagnoses and recommendations and indicates they’re comfortable with them because they had been thinking along the same lines.
That’s because the diagnoses and solutions do often come from those closest to the business… but teams require help from a neutral and dispassionate mediator to connect the dots, to engineer consensus amongst various stakeholders and to validate some of the ideas people may have had for some time.
The following examples outline the types of issues, approaches and results of the way in which we approach different types of engagements.
Case One: Service Structure Incorrect: Large Local Assignment
Case Two: Expectation Mismatch: Unhappy Client Fires Agency
Case Three: Unprofitable Engagement: Large International Assignment
Case Four: Team Dysfunction: Companies Unable to Work Together
Case Five: Agency Talent Issues: Financial Services Engagement