Someone once said that outside of a physical assault, a question is probably the most aggressive thing you can do to another human being. If you’ve ever been in a business meeting where someone is being relentlessly questioned, you know how uncomfortable that can be.
Yet questions are a vital part of business, because they’re one of the best ways of getting information needed to arrive at an optimal solution to any type of business issue or opportunity.
This 2 to 2.5-hour interactive seminar is a ‘Powerpoint-Free Zone’ and teaches a simple methodology allows people to ask questions in a way that doesn’t put others on the defensive, or even get them completely offside.
Specific topics include:
Warm up exercise
Question Introduction
Open & Closed Questions
Exercise One – Questions in a business context
Exercise Two
Introduction to Socratic Methodology
Exercise Three
Why & How questions Supported Questioning Method
Exercise Four
Non-Verbal Language Introduction
Exercise Six - Non-Verbal Practice
10 Commandments of Questions
Conclusion & Wrap
This module is ideally paired with the Listening Skills module, as the two are complementary skill areas.